Joburg 2013 | Caring Cities
Joburg 2013 | Caring Cities
World Mayors, who care about their cities and its people, have gathered in Johannesburg, from 16-19 July 2013 to participate in the Metropolis Annual Meeting “Caring Cities” and Board of Directors.
Caring Cities are cities that strive to offer a high quality of life, showing a sense of humanity and exchange, providing comfort and dignity for all citizens and deliver solutions that meet the needs of their citizens. The Mandela Day celebration translated this concept into individual and community actions.
More than 250 participants from 85 cities took the opportunity to work together towards a caring city agenda worldwide!
- 425 registered delegates
- 99 cities and metropolitan regions represented by mayors, governors and senior officials
- 34 plenary sessions, workshops, meetings and technical tours
Main themes
- Food resilience
- Smart & agile cities in developing countries
- The power of the informal economy
- Resource resilience
- Engaged citizens
- Social cohesion in a caring city